Madeline McMahon

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Painting, Paintings, Paintings

Paintings, paintings, paintings! I told you I was painting! They just aren’t the paintings I was referring to in my last post. Those paintings are in a sketchbook. I’m not sure if I will share them here. If I do it will probably be a while.

In other news, I signed up for a two month long pottery course. It begins in less than two weeks time. I intend to post progress photos and such on here — so if you have some sort of aversion to ceramics, beware. 

What else? Oh, and the paintings above are gouache and acrylic. I used a dip pen with fluid black acrylic paint for the lines — without a ruler, so the lines are a little wonky. Does the wonkiness bother me? Yes, slightly. But I’m trying to be less obsessive, perfectionistic, etc. etc.

I’m probably going to use a ruler for the next batch of paintings.  

Ok, bye. Thanks for reading.
